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Making off
// 1807 | 2015

This image represents the struggle for independence in the Second English Invasion of 1807, in which British troops, after taking Montevideo, were repelled when they attempted to occupy Buenos Aires. These events unfolded in a broader historical context of territorial disputes in America against European powers. Both the Reconquest and the Defense of Buenos Aires had a significant place as an immediate precedent to the May Revolution of 1810, which initiated the process of Argentine Independence. The image, featuring high production value, is predominantly done through direct capture. Only the flash and the background were created using 3D techniques. It is inspired by a painting from the colonial period, those images that remain in the collective imagination. The scene takes place in front of the Convent of Santo Domingo, with its characteristic pale pink. The British and Argentine flags confront each other. The large wheel in the foreground, along with the crossed weapons and the soldiers fallen in battle, create a sense of movement and drama.
// 2022

Making off

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